Le Newsdal mondo Elcrom

The Colore sicuro project
There are primary colours. And primary values.
The primary values of Arsonsisi Technological Coatings are closely related to each other and can be summarised in a few key words:
- Respect: for customers, for product quality, for the people who work in the company, for the search for sustainable solutions, for less polluting processes, for professional ethics, for security protocols, for the rules and requirements of different world markets, as well as their cultures.
- Quality: of products, production processes, reports, assessments, research and innovation, and the proposed solutions.
- Innovation: of technology, chemical formulations, machinery, optimisation procedures, and all the possible industrial applications related to unique protective coatings.
Arsonsisi Technological Coatings complies to and promotes the Assovernici Code of Ethics and The “Charter of Values” of the “Colore Sicuro” project.
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